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Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Pit Bull Owner Who Hurts Us All

A few months ago a man walked into the store with a drop dead gorgeous black and white pit bull. What wasn't too pretty was the man had about 15 feet of heavy duty chain as a leash and the owners attitude turned me off the dog altogether.

For starters, I have a woman with an Australian Shepherd I have worked with for a few years. The dog has made great progress; however, he will still show dog aggression occasionally. Well sure enough, the Aussie barks at the pit. The pit owner turns around and tells the Aussie owner, "I should turn my dog loose to teach your dog a lesson." This statement is very irresponsible and upset the woman to no end.

What kind of crap is that? Then the man lets his dog pee on everything in sight. He took the dog to lunge, bark and scare the cats that are up for adoption. Then he brought the dog up to the glass wall of my training room and let the dog lunge at the reactive Aussie. The man was told to leave and I was furious at the actions of the man!

A man in my class went on a rant about how dangerous pit bulls are and that they all need a bullet in the head. After a long discussion set that statement straight! The man did have a point though, most people see the type of person with the black and white and that remains their impression of the APBT. It doesn't matter how well your (my pit bull family) dogs are behaved, what titles, our how much the dogs love our children. This one bad experience had a big impression on my class. Fortunately, I was able to share with them the great love of an APBT and what these dogs are about, did I get through? I think most of them yes, a few others no. It seems to me for every one person like the guy with the black and white we need five to undo the damage. That man didn’t want a dog, he wanted a penis extension. He wanted to boost his ego in front of his girl friend and used the dog to do it. Little does he know he came across as a fool and a jack ass in front of a large group of people. Sad thing is it is at expense of the APBT breed as a whole.

I applaud all my responsible pit bull friends. You have so many battles to fight and you people fight them with class, integrity and responsibility. Thank you all for your dedication, love and support for such an awesome breed. It is truly an honor to be in your fight to own such remarkable dogs.